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I Miss You! A love letter to the sisterhood; We will dance together soon..

It’s getting so close I can feel it my Turtle-Doves! Classes and workshops will soon be able to start again. I can’t wait to start teaching and performing finally. I’ve got a few irons in the (covid-secure) fire and I’m frothing at the mouth, like a starving lioness eyeing a gazelle… that sounds a bit scary, but I promise I don’t want to disembowel anyone, I just desperately want to dance with you. And it’s all so tantalizingly close! I can’t wait to laugh with you (at a 2 metre distance of course), create with you move with you, reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

I desperately want to hug you and squish you (I know, I know. Not yet.) But I’ll settle for socially distanced air hugs for now. I long to hand out the (freshly sanitised) boas and shimmy along with all you fabulous women. We have been kept apart and I have had moments of deep loneliness. Because teaching you, meeting you, sharing with you is the fuel to my fire. Without you, I’m a puzzle missing that vital piece. Like a bird without a song (his Purple Badness wrote that ), like macaroni without cheese, like a hand without sanitising gel.

So come at me sisters! Let’s do those hen-parties, girls’ nights, and workshops with wild (socially distanced) abandon. Let’s dance like our lives depend on it. Hell, we’ve all been living in the little town from Footloose for the last year. Come on out, lockdown hair and all (mine’s about 4 metres long now). Let’s kick-ball change-shimmy our way to brighter days ahead!

Love & Rinestones,


Leg Up Dance

P.S. - Wash your hands

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